“I am really proud to introduce you to Alexandru Israil, who is a rare thing – he is a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Master Trainer, who has learned, in face to face learning sessions with me, what makes Guerrilla Marketing work, and how to train others so that Guerrilla Marketing can work for them.
Guerrilla Marketing works for people around the world because it makes it easier for them to earn profits without making a large marketing investment. I can’t think of anybody who is better to train you in Guerrilla Marketing than a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Master Trainer – that’s as good as it gets. And I know that Alexandru is a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Master Trainer so I don’t even have to wish you luck – I just congratulate you of having the good fortune to have him teach you what you really ought to know about marketing right now.”
Jay Conrad Levinson
The Father of Guerrilla Marketing
Author, “Guerrilla Marketing” series of books
Over 20 million sold; now in 60 languages
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